Travel tips – with the kids


Talk to your kids about activities in the place you want to visit, if they are old enough, have them research the place you are planning to visit


Write your contact info on the back of your hotel card and put it in child pocket or back pack


Teach them what to do if they get lost or separated. Before leaving hotel, have a plan incase this happens


Let them lead the way through airport or train station. It’s great opportunity to learn how to navigate


Encourage them to take photos. When you are back home, help to arrange their favorite photos in an album


Let them buy souvenirs, give them fixed amount – its good chance to learn how to manage pocket money


Keep museum visits short, no more than one per day. If you push them more, they will return the favor by making your experience less than pleasant


Take their favorite gadgets, IPADs, movies to keep them occupied, if you are planning on a long flight or train journey

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